Saturday, April 2

6th Annual Pillow Fight Day

It’s the first Saturday in April and Pillow Fight Day has arrived! The 6th Annual NYC Pillow Fight Day (and 4th Annual National PFD) returns to Union Square today, brought to you by Newmindspace. Touted as an “urban playground movement [and] a playful part of the larger public space movement,” Newmindspace wants you to play! Join up with other featherless-pillow wielding and pajama-clad folks and (softly!) whack, swat and swing your cushy and fluffy sleep aids around and around...Just watch out for unarmed camera folks!

Bonus: Whack! Pillow Fight After Party at Hiro Ballroom ($10 with RSVP here)

Pillow Fight NYC 2011
Union Square
East 14th St. & Broadway

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